Name |
Designation |
Qualification |
Dr. Sudhir Lande
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Dr. Sudhir Lande
Officiating Principal
B.E.(Electronics Engineering.),M.Tech (IIT KGP),Ph.D.
4G/LTE Mobile & Wireless Communication,Resource allocation in OFDM/OFDMA
Multimedia over Wireless Communication, D-D Communication and M-M Communications,
Brief Profile :
Dr. S. B. Lande, acquired B.E.(Electronics Engineering.),
from KITS, Ramtek, Nagpur University in 1996 and M. Tech. in Telecommunication System
Engineering (TSE) from IIT, Kharagpur in 2002. He has been awarded Ph.D. on
"Resource Allocation and Management in OFDMA with CSI and QoS for Next generation
wireless Network" by RTM Nagpur University in 2014, which was completed under
the guidance of Dr. J. B. Helonde and Dr. Rajesh Pande and his work was mentored by
Prof. S. S. Pathak.
He has more than 20 years of teaching experience. He stared teaching profession
as a lecturer from KITS, Ramtek in 1996. Presently he is working as a Professor in VPKBIET,
He has published 40 research papers in various National, International conference and journals. 23
of his research papers are available on Google scholar, 14 are in IEEE digital library, 01 in SCI(E),
02 in scopes journal, 03 in H-indexing and 2 in I-10 indexing.
Two papers have received more than 20 citations. His Research (RG) Gate score is 22.85 and have more than
250 citations. He has published two books, one on "Electromagnetic fields" and other on "Linear electronics circuit"
published by Spectrum Publication, Nagpur.
He has designed and developed mobile games during 06-07 worth Rs 20,000/-
and conducted training program for different industries of Rs 2, 00,000/- He has guided 15 students for
P.G. dissertation and 01 for ME by research.
Marquies Who's -who in world U.S. has published his bio-data in Nov.2009 issue. He has worked as a HOD
for more than 3 Years, Professor in-charge for NBA work, Vice Principal and handled many more responsibilities.
He has organized 3 International Conferences during 06-07, 07-08 and 13-14 and he has submitted proposal for
IEEE international conference from 11-14 Nov 2017.
He is a member of IEEE society, IETE, IE & ISTE.
He is Associated with Prof. S.S. Pathak, IIT Kharagpur and Prof. Mohan Kolhe, faculty of Engineering and Science,
University of Agder, Norway for research work.
Dr.Sudhir B. Lande Received SIMIO 20 License worth of $48000 from Simio LLC(R) Sewickley, Pennsylvania, USA
Publications :
S.B Lande, Aishwarya Fulari ,S.B.Nikam ,V.J.Nagalkar "Distributed Resource Allocation Model for 5G " got published in PENSEE international Journal"
Pallavi U. Patil, Sudhir B. Lande, Vinay J. Nagalkar, Sonal B. Nikam Published in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-4, November 2020. "Quality Improvements of Camera Captured Pictures using Blind and Non-blind Deconvolution Algorithms"
Utkarsha Fulari, Sudhir B. Lande, Lokesh K. Bramhane, Manisha Lande, Battery Life Improvement Technique for Electric Vehicle, 15 (7), 1049-1055, 2020.
Sudhir B. Lande, Shashank Biradar, Sudhir M. Kharad, C.K. Thadani and Pallavi B. Pawar "Review On UWB Antenna Design With Band Stop Function By Implementing Parasitic Patch Method" ISSN: 2395-1680 ISSN: 2395-1680 (online) ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics, January 2020, volume: 05, ISSUE: 04
L.K. Bramhane, P.K. Kadbe, B.H. Patil, S.D. Chede and S.B. Lande "Next Generation Logic Gate Designs using Improved Polarity Control Bipolar Junction Transistor" International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019
L.K. Bramhane, P.K. Kadbe, B.H. Patil, S.D. Chede and S.B. Lande "Dual Dielectrically Modulated Electrostatically Doped Tunnel-FET for Biosensing
Applications" International Journal on Emerging Technologies, ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3255, Nov. 2019
Sudhir B. Lande,Chaitrali M. Sargar,C. K. Thadhani "Blockchain technology in agriculture & food supply chain",published in Internation journal of Research and analytical review (IJRAR) June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2
Dr. Sudhir B. Lande, Suresh S. Balpande, "FPAA Based Design of Assistive Listening Device for Hearing Disorders
People" , Helix Vol. 8(6): 4446- 4452,October 2018.
Milan Sasmal, Sudhir Lande "Simulation and Analysis of Temprature Effect on 7 nm n-MOSFET", ISSN (Online) 2456-3293,Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2018.
Sudhir B. Lande and Smita Mankar "Review on M2M Communications Using D2D Communications in Cellular Networks" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2016
Sudhir Lande and Sushil Kawale "Review on Energy Efficient Using Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks" International Journal of Communications & Electronics Volume No.3 Issue No.2 July- December 2015, PP 17-25.
S. B. Lande , Dr. J. B. Helonde & Dr. Rajesh Pande "Evolution Towards 4th Generation Mobile Communication System" International journal on advanced Engineering & Application (IJAEA) june-2011, pp 74-79.
S. B. Lande , Dr. J. B. Helonde , Dr. Rajesh Pande & Dr.S.S.Pathak "Adaptive Subcarrier and Bit Allocation for Downlink OFDMA System with Proportional Fairness" International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) Vol. 3, No. 5, October, pp 125-140.
Sudhir B. Lande , Dr. J. B. Helonde, Dr. Rajesh Pande "Comparison of Resource Allocation Techniques in OFDMA for Wireless communication" International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 6,dec.2012 page no. 430-436
'Design & Implementation of Point to multipoint mode for Wi-MAX using network simulator' by Vaishali Nitnaware, Sudhir. B. Lande & Suresh.S. Balpande & Sourabh Rungta IJCSNS International journal of computer Science & Network Security.
'Performance Evaluation of SS-OFDM for Broadband Wireless Network' by Umesh Akare, S. B. Lande & S.S. Balpande , International Journal on VLSI and Communication , Serials publication, Jan-June,09 issue. pp 77-81.
"The Road to Multicarrier CDMA", S. B. Lande & Nikhilesh Goel , IETE Technical Review July-Aug,2006 Vol. no.23/4, pp. 247-252
Officiating Principal |
B.E.(Electronics Engg.),M.Tech (IIT KGP),Ph.D. |
Dr. Rajveer Shastri
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Dr. Rajveer Shastri
Underwater and Biomedical Signal Processing, VLSI implementation of Image processing algorithms and Technology applications for rural development.
Brief Profile :
Dr. Rajveer K. Shastri received his B.E. degree in 2000 from College of Engineering, Ambejogai. In 2002, he completed M.E. in Electronics with specialization in computer technology and Ph.D. in the area of underwater signal processing in 2014, from Shri Guru Govind Singh Engineering and Technology, Nanded. Since 2003, he has served at the various academic levels and currently, he is Professor at E&TC department. He has taught signals and systems, digital signal processing, digital image processing, and VLSI design. He was awarded with Summer Faculty Research Fellowship 2013 from CARE, IIT Delhi. He presented his research papers in the USA and Brazil. He visited universities abroad like North Carolina State University, Michigan Tech. University and San Jose University USA. He delivered guest lectures on Image Processing and Business Idea Generation. He has shouldered administrative responsibilities like HOD, Dean Academics and Management Representative for implementation of quality management system in VPKBIET. He is a Member of IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (80628231), life member of ISTE (LM75643) and IETE (M-223285). He is currently working as Dean Research and Development.
Vidwan Profile:
Publications :
Utkarsha N. Fulari1, Shastri.R.K., Anuj N. Fulari,” Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning”, Journal of seybold report, ISSN NO: 1533-9211 (
Rajveer Shastri, Arnab Das, Yashwant Joshi, "On the Selection of Time Frequency Feature Set to Represent Passive Sonar Data of Tropical Waters", OCEANS'16, MTS/IEEE Shanghai conference 10-13 Apr. 2016.
Jyoti Jaibhai, Rajveer Shastri, "Speckle Noise Reduction Filters Analysis", 6th International Conference on Innovations In Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICIEEE2015) ISBN: 978-93-85225-32-1 2016
Phadatare Swati M., Shastri Rajveer K., Shastri Aparna R., "Design of Semen Straw Counting System Using LabVIEW," International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering, Vol. 7, pp-161-164, Jan.2016
Kawade Akshada N., Shastri Rajveer K., Shinde Vidhya M., "Denoising Techniques for Underwater Ambient Noise," International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, ISSN (online): 2349-784X, Volume 2, Issue 07, pp. 150-154, January 2016.
Amale Varsha S., Shastri Rajveer K., Kolhar Shrikrishna U. "Study of Statistical Tests for Underwater Ambient Noise," International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 07, January 2016
Professor |
Dr. Balasaheb Patil
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Dr. Balasaheb Patil
Associate Professor & HOD
B.E., M.E. & Ph.D.(E&TC)
Microwave Communication Engineering & Digital Image Processing
Brief Profile :
Balasaheb Patil received his Bachelor's degree in Electronics& Telecommunication Engineering from SaitribaiPhulePune University, Pune in year 2001. He received M.E. E&TC (Microwave Communication) in year 2010 from SaitribaiPhulePune University, Pune. He has completed his Ph.D. in the area of Image Inpainting in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering in Nov.2020. His research center isSaitribaiPhulePune University, Pune.
During his 15+ years tenure at VPKBIET, Baramati, he has worked in different capacities like Department NBA Coordinator, Department Academic Coordinator, PG Coordinator, Project Coordinator, Examination Coordinator etc.
Balasaheb teaches Radio & Microwave Technique, Analog Communication, Wireless Sensor Network, Image Processing and Computer Vision, System Design Using PLDs,Mobile Communication, Control Systems, Mechatronics. His areas of interest include Microwave Communication Engineering and Digital Image Processing.
He has on his credit one research projects funded by BCUD SPPU (Project Duration 2014-2016). He has presented her research contributions in various International Conferences and journals. He has filed one patent in year 2019-2020. His project on “Prepaid Energy Meter” has won 2nd prize in “Avishkar” at National level competition. He guides the students in product design and development.
Vidwan Profile:
Research Proposal:
A Research Proposal, "A Pipeline VLSI Architecture for 2-D DWT" has been selected by BCUD department of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU, Pune) for the year 2014-16 (Amount Sanctioned Rs.1, 70, 000/-).
Patents Filed: No. of patents filed: 01:
Low cost Agro Forestry Plant Security System Using Pic Microcontroller
Honors for receiving International Scientist&Best Researcher award on Engineering Science and Medicine organized by VGOOD Professional Association at Chennai, India held on 14th and 15th September 2019.
Honors for securing 2nd prize for paper presentation in National Conference on “Recent Trends in Computer Engineering and Technology”, NCRTCET-2015, organized by VidyaPratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati.
Honors for selected as a SavitribaiPhule Pune University Syllabus Setter for F.E.(2012 course) for subject “Basic Electronics Engineering”.
Funded Research Projects :
Working as Principal Investigator for project titled, “A Pipeline VLSI Architecture for 2-D DWT” has been selected by BCUD department of SavitribaiPhule Pune University (SPPU, Pune) for the year 2014-16 (Amount Sanctioned Rs.1, 70, 000/-).
Book Published:
A Book for B.E. (E&TC / Electronics revised syllabus 2012) on, “Microwave Engineering” published in Success Publications.
A Book for S.E. (E&TC / Electronics revised syllabus 2012) on, “Computer Organization” published in Success Publications.
Publication in Peer-Reviewed National and International Journals and Conferences :
“A Comprehensive Review on State-of-the-art Image Inpainting Techniques,” in Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience ISSN 1895-1767, June 2020 SCPE. Volume 21, Issue 2, Page nos. 265–276.
“Next Generation Logic Gate Designs using Improved Polarity Control Bipolar Junction Transistor,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November-2019 (Scopus indexed).
“Dual Dielectrically Modulated Electrostatically Doped Tunnel-FET for Bio-sensing Applications,” International Journal on Emerging Technologies, ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3255, November-2019 (Scopus indexed).
“Hybrid image inpainting using reproducing kernel Hilbert space and dragonfly inspired wavelet transform,” International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, 2019 (Inderscience publication).
“Image Inpainting Based Image Mapping and Object Removal using ADM method,” Peer reviewed/ UGC approved journal, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) May-2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) (Scopus indexed) Page No. 1-4.
“Energy Harvesting Bicycle,” Peer reviewed/ UGC approved journal, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) May-2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) (Scopus indexed) Page Nos.13-17.
“Crow search algorithm with Discrete Wavelet Transform to aid Mumford Shah inpainting model,” Springer Journal on Evolutionary Intelligence special issue 1-2, August-2018, (Scopus indexed).
“Comparative Analysis of Inpainting Algorithms,” IEEE based International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing Technology (ICACCT) 8th and 9th February-2018, (Scopus indexed).
“Image Inpainting based on Image Mapping and Object Removal using Semi-Automatic method,” IEEE based International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing Technology (ICACCT) 8th and 9th February-2018, (Scopus indexed).
“Object Removal using Improved Exemplar based method in Image Inpainting,” International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7, Issue 2, ISSN NO: 1632-2882, A Peer Reviewed / UGC APPROVED JOURNAL(SINO.64502) February-2018
Seminar/ Training/ Workshop Programs Organized:
Organized workshop on “Embedded Systems Programmer,” during 31st July to 2nd August 2009 at VidyaPrathishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati in association with Prolific Systems & Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pune.
Organized workshop on “Mobile Making,” during 27th to 29th August 2011 at VidyaPrathishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati in association with Institute of Embedded and Robotics Research Training Division of Campus Pvt. Ltd.
Organized workshop on “Teaching & Hands on experience of On-Line examination,” at VidyaPrathishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati in association with SavitribaiPhule Pune University.
Associate Professor & HOD |
B.E., M.E. & Ph.D.(E&TC) |
Dr. Jyoti Rangole
Research Interests: Email Id:
Dr. Jyoti Rangole
Associate Professor
B.E.(Electronics), M.Tech.(Digital System),Ph.D.
Modeling and simulation, Data analytics, Underwater acoustics, Digital Image Processing
Brief Profile :
Jyoti Rangole received her Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering from Shivaji University in year 2001. She received M.Tech. (Digital System) in year 2009 from College of Engineering, Pune. She has completed her Ph.D. in the area of Underwater Signal Processing at SRTMUN, Nanded in Sep. 2020. Her research center is Shri Guru Govind Singh Engineering and Technology, Nanded.
During her 15+ years tenure at VPKBIET, Baramati, she has worked in different capacities like Head of Department, IEEE, WIE, Coordinator, PG Coordinator, Project Coordinator, Department NBA coordinator, Institute Entrepreneurship Development Cell coordinator.
Jyoti teaches Signals and Systems, Digital Image Processing, Microcontrollers, Embedded System and RTOS, Mini Project and Seminar. Her areas of interest include Underwater Acoustic Signal/Image Processing, Biomedical Image Processing, Automation in Agriculture and Sericulture Industries and Product Development.
She has on her credit two research projects funded by BCUD SPPU (Project Duration 2012-2014, 2016-2018). She has presented her research contributions in various International Conferences and journals. She has filed three patents in year 2019-2020. She is the university level winner of Avishkar 2017 in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Teacher Category. She is actively involved in attracting the research grants from various national funding agencies including AICTE, DST, and RGSTC, etc. She guides the students in product design and development and helps them to register their startups. Two of her students have registered their startup in year 2020.
Vidwan Profile:
Teaching Areas :
Subjects taught: Microprocessor, Microcontrollers, Embedded System Design, Advanced Processors, Signals and Systems, Digital Image Processing, Network Theory, Mini project.
Research Projects Completed/Ongoing :
Working as Principal Investigator for project titled, Side Scan SONAR Image Analysis: An application to sediment classification, funded by SPPU, BCUD, Pune.
Grant received: Rs.1, 40,000/- (Project Duration: Year 2016-2018)
Worked as Principal Investigator for project titled, Automatic Counting of Silkworm Eggs Using Image Processing, funded by SPPU, BCUD, Pune.
Grant received: Rs. 2, 31,000/-(Project Duration: Year 2012-2014)
Publication in Peer-Reviewed National and International Journals and Book Chapters:
Statistical characterization of an underwater channel in a tropical shallow freshwater lake system, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer book series, 2019 (Scopus Indexed).
A computationally-efficient model for determining sound speed in shallow tropical freshwater systems, with field validation, Journal of Lake and Reservoirs Research and Management, Wiley Publication, 2019 (Scopus Indexed).
Validation of model-based techniques for characterization of surface sediment at Khadakwasala Lake with field data, Indian Journal of Geophysical Union, 2019 (UGC-CARE).
Automatic silkworm egg counting mechanism for sericulture, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 216, 2014, pp. 121-128 Springer India, 2016 (Scopus Indexed).
International Conferences :
Echo signal analysis for underwater sediment classification in tropical regions," OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, Monterey, CA, 2016, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2016.7761370.
Precise estimation of sound velocity profile and its impact on sediment classification in the tropical shallow freshwater reservoirs," 2015 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), Chennai, 2015, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/UT.2015.7108227.
Sediment classification using side scan-sonar imagery, 12th Western Pacific Acoustic Conference, Singapore, pp. 445-448, 2015, ISBN: 978-981-09-7961-4.
Vision system for automatic counting of silkworm eggs," International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES2014), Chennai, 2014, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICICES.2014.7034036.
Detection of leukemia in microscopic images using image processing," 2014 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, Melmaruvathur, 2014, pp. 255-259, doi: 10.1109/ICCSP.2014.6949840.
Implementation of image processing algorithms on FPGA, International Journal Technology World 2010, Malaysia. 16.Edge detection for real time image processing using FPGA, International Conference on Science and Technology, Dhule, 2010.
Patents Filed: No. of patents filed: 03 :
Low-cost Underwater Glider for Scientific Data Acquisition, Patent ID: 201921038265
Multi-purpose Egg Hatcher Machine, Patent ID: 201921038268
Design of Automatic sugarcane cutter with bud detection, Patent ID: 201921046618
Product Development :
Multipurpose Egg Hatcher Machine
Automatic Sugarcane Bud Detection and Cutting Machine
Automatic Sanitization Systems
Student Startups Registered :
Hatchlogic Pvt. Ltd., Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra
Innovatic Pvt. Ltd., Baramati, Maharashtra
Awards/Achievements :
Summer Faculty Research Fellow at IIT, Delhi from 29 May 2012 to 12 July 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Sumantra Dutta Roy.
Stood second in the Ph.D. entrance test conducted by Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University.
University level winner in Avishkar 2017 competition in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (Teacher Category- SPPU, Pune).
Second prize in Rotary Water Olympiad 2017 organized by Rotary and SPPU, Pune for the research work in Sediment classification using acoustic techniques.
Presented research work at Water Olympiad Competition organized by Rotary and University of Pune, 2019.
Outcome of Students’ Project Guided :
Project titled, Sugarcane Bud Detection and Cutting Machine won Second Prize at Navonmesh 2020, organized by, Atal Incubation Center, ADT, Baramati.
Project titled, Multipurpose Egg Hatcher Machine, received incubation from Atal Incubation Center, ADT, Baramati.
Project titled, Underwater Robot for Scientific Data Acquisition, shortlisted in top 21 National level finalists at eYantra Idea Competition, 2019, organized by IIT, Bombay.
Project titled, Underwater Robot for Scientific Data Acquisition, won consolation prize at IETE, Innovation Competition 2019, organized by, IETE, Pune.
Project titled, Sediment classification using Side Scan Sonar, won third prize at IEEE project competition in Signal and Image Processing, 2015, organized by, IEEE, Pune section.
Project titled, Brain MRI Segmentation, won the third prize worth $500, at IEEE MTTS video competition 2016 project competition, IEEE.
Associate Professor |
B.E.(Electronics),M.Tech.(Digital System),Ph.D. |
Mr. Vikas Deshmukh
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Mr. V. U. Deshmukh
Assistant Professor
B. E. (Electronics), M.E. (Communication System)
Radiating systems, Microstrip Antenna.
Brief Profile :
Mr. Vikas Deshmukh received his Bachelor of Engineering in 1990 from Marathawada university, Aurangabad.
His M.E. Degree in Communication system in 2003 from P.D.A. college of Engineering,
Gulbarga from Gulbarga university, Gulbarga. He worked as Lecturer from 01/08/1991 to 31/05/2000;
senior Lecturer from 01/06/2000 to 24/06/2005 and from 25/06/2005 to till date he is working as
an assistant professor in Vidya Pratishthan's College of Engineering, Baramati, India.
He has taught Digital Electronics, Electronics Design Techniques, Network and Lines, Electromagnetic Theory,
Communication Engineering and Optical Fiber Communication. He has delivered guest lectures on Network and Lines.
He has delivered expert talk on effective conduction of practical course.
He has shouldered Administrative responsibilities like Head.
He worked as evaluator for the projects, in project competition of engineering students held by IETE center, Pune.
He has worked as a member of Local Inquiry Committee, Dr. BAMU, Aurangabad.
He was selected for SFRF-2014 at IIT, Delhi.
Vidwan Profile:
Publications :
"Experimental Verification of Attenuation and Net Optical Power Budget in WDM PON optical Link", Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communication Journal, Research India Publication, 2010.
"FTTH Deployment options for Telecommunication operators: WDM-PON Technology- A Case Study" in E3C, 2010 ,J.D.College of Engineering, Nagpur on 9th Feb 2010.
"Fractal Image Coding", National conference on Advances in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering at COE Osmanabad.
"Heart Sound Recognition using Wavelet Transform and K-Means Algorithm", National Conference on Signal Processing Automation held at Pune.
Assistant Professor |
B.E.(Electronics),M.E.(Communication System).Ph.D.(Pursuing) |
Mrs. Varsha Surwase
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Mrs. Varsha Surwase
Assistant Professor
B.E.(E&TC), M.E.(Electronics)
Image processing,Embedded system and Digital system.
Brief Profile :
Varsha Surwase received her BE in Electronics Engineering from B.A.M.U. Aurangabad, and M.E. in Electronics from J.N.E.C. College of Engg. Aurangabad.
She has 10 years of teaching experience. Varsha is a member of ISTE and IETE. She has attended workshops through Project
Ekalavya conducted by IIT Mumbai.
Vidwan Profile:
Publications :
"FPGA Implementation of data Hiding",International Paper, Dr.V.V.Patil COE, Ahmednagar.
"VLSI Implementation of Image processing Algorithm on FPGA", International journal IJEEE.
"FPGA Implementation of Image processing Algorithms", National conference, A.I.S.S.M.S Pune
Assistant Professor |
B.E.(E&TC), M.E.(Electronics Engg.) |
Mr. Parashuram Arotale
Mr. Parashuram Arotale
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Mr. Parashuram Arotale
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Signal Processing and Speech Processing.
Brief Profile :
Parshuram N Aarotale received his BE degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (India) in 2006 and MTech. in Electronics Engineering from Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad (India) in 2008. He has 10 years teaching experience and presently he is an Assistant Professor in Electronics and Telecommunication Department, VPKBIET, Baramati. He taught the UG subjects DSP, SS, SCET, ITCT, EME and EMTL. He is a life member of IETE, ISTE and has guided various projects on Signal Processing and Communication.
As graduate student at University of North Dakota he worked as graduate teaching assistants and conducted labs on Signals and systems, Control systems and Electronics laboratory-II. He has conducted research on biomedical signal Processing and have experience of data acquisition and analysis of ECG, Blood Pressure, PPG, EMG and COP. He has published few Journal and Conference publications.
Vidwan Profile:
Publications :
Potential of Weight Scale Based Ballistocardiography for Identifying Orthostatic Intolerance: A Tilt Table Study by Parshuram Aarotale, Stian Henriksen, 2020 Design of Medical Devices Conference, Frontier in Biomedical devices.
Effect of Blood Volume Shift Simulated Via Head-Up Tilt on Photoplethysmography Morphology, Parshuram N. Aarotale, Andrew Philip Blaber, Tavakolian Kouhyar, 42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,July 20-24, 2020, Montréal, Canada.
Relationship between Ischemic Stroke and Pulse Rate Variability as a Surrogate of Heart Rate Variability,Ajay K Verma, Parshuram N Aarotale, Parastoo Dehkordi, Jau-Shin Lou, Kouhyar Tavakolian,MDPI brain science Journals 2019.
Construction and Operation of Low Cost Hydrophone for Underwater Sound Detection,Yuvraj C Mohite, PN Arotale,IJRST 2017.
System propose for Be acquainted with newborn cry emotion using linear frequency cepstral coefficient ,Sandhya S Jagtap, Premanand K Kadbe, Parshuram N Arotale, 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT).
Assistant Professor |
M.Tech.(Electronics), Ph.D. (Pursuing) |
Mr. Shashank Biradar
Mr. Shashank Biradar
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Mr. Shashank Biradar
Assistant Professor
Ph.D.(Pursuing),M.Tech.(Electronics),B.Tech. (E&TC)
Biomedical signal processing
Brief Profile :
Shashank D. Biradar received his B.Tech [Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering] in 2008 and M.Tech
(Electronics) in 2010 from Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded. He worked
as MTech Project Trainee at R&D lab of CEERI-PILANI (Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute -Pilani,
Rajasthan, Govt. of INDIA Enterprise, Lab of CSIR), on design & development of Application based RTOS and porting
Application based RTOS on FPGA. He has total experience of six years. He teaches Embedded Systems and Real Time Operating System,
Digital Image Processing, Network Analysis, Test and Measurements Systems and Basic Electronics Engineering to graduate students.
He is ISTE Life Member (LM75660) and IEEE Professional Member (Member ID: 93737817). He worked as Principal Investigator for research
project funded by BCUD, Pune for year 2013-2015. His areas of interest include Biomedical Signal and Digital Image Processing.
Vidwan Profile:
Publications :
"Mental Task Classification Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Method", Discovery, 2015, 47(217), 77-80. ISSN 2278 5469 Link I "EEG Signal Processing Techniques For Mental Task Classification, International Journal Of Advanced Computing And Electronics Technology (IJACET) VOL.-2, Is.-1, 2015. ISSN (PRINT):2394-3408, (ONLINE):2394-3416.
"Empirical Mode Decomposition for EEG Signal Analysis International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research (IJCESR), Vol.-2, ISSUE-4, PP 33-38, 2015. ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE) 2394-0697
"PAPR Performance of OFDM System Using Modified SLM Approach", at International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE) Vol. 2, Issue 1, January 2014
"5G: A Digital Society, at IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO) February -2015, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Assistant Professor |
B.Tech.(E&TC),M.Tech.(Electronics Engg.),Ph.D.(Pursuing) |
Dr. Madan Jadhav
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Dr. Madan Jadhav
Assistant Professor
Ph.D.( Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Wireless Communication and Microwave Antennas
Brief Profile :
Madan M. Jadhav received Bachelor of Electronics Engineering degree with first class from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Chatrapati Sambhajinagar. He has received Masters of Technology degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering with First class and distinction from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere Raigad and he has completed Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering . He is undergraduate approved and PG recognized Teacher of Savitribai Phule Pune university. He has 27 years of teaching experience.
He taught subjects Antenna and wave propagation, Digital communication, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Information theory and coding, Digital system design, Wireless and Mobile technology, Data communication and Networking, Basic Electronics Engineering and Electronics materials and Components .
He shouldered administrative responsibilities like PG Coordinator, Academic coordinator ,project Coordinator , Class Coordinator, EESA Coordinator, Senior Internal/External supervisor of University examination and Paper Setter of university examination.
He attended ISTE and AICTE approved FDP and workshops/trainings in Antenna design and Analysis, Innovative Teaching Learning methods, interfacing with Arduino, Business writing, introduction to C and C++, Introduction to IoT, Research Methodology, Effective paper writing, solar photovoltaic cell, pedagogy for effective use of ICT in Engineering Education , Analog Electronics Introduction to research, Antenna, Microwave Theory and Techniques, Technical English for Engineers., Information theory and coding , deployment of Internet of thing, PCB layout design –hands on. He has guided PG and UG project in Microwave antenna and Communication area. He is life member of ISTE and member of IETand IEEE..
Vidwan Profile:
Research Proposal :
Received research grant of RS. 2 Lakh from BCUD Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune for Research Project titled “ Design of C-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wi-Max Application” during 2013-2015.
Academic Achievement:
Recognized PG teacher in Electronics and telecommunication Engineering of Savitribai phule Pune University, Pune.
Got selected and completed Summer faculty Research fellowship Programm-2016(SFRF-2016) of 40 days on “Wideband band Antenna Design “at IIT Delhi under the guidance of Prof. Mahesh Abhegaonkar.
Seminar/Training/Workshop organized :
Organized and conducted Workshop “ Basics of Antenna and IE3D simulation software in Academic year 2015-16
Organized and conducted workshop “ PCB layout Design “ on 27th Sept. 2020.
Publications :
“Study on Capable Antennas Design for Wireless Mobile Communication Achievement on a Railway Compartment Rooftop” Advance Engineering Science ISSN: 2096-3246 Vol. 55 Issue-01, March- 2023, Pg no. 565-577.
“An Execution of High speed Railway Mobile Transmission System” International Journal of Advance and Applied Research, ISSN- 2347-7075 , Vol. 10 Issue No. 1 Oct. 20222, Pg. 1135- 1140.
“Risk Evaluation of Communication and Antenna Management for Railway Vehicle Antennas” International Journal of Advance and Applied Research, ISSN- 2347-7075 , Vol. 09 Issue No. 4 April 2022, Pg. 1133- 1138.
“Review of Impedance Bandwidth Enhancement Techniques of Microstrip Patch Antenna” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 19, Number 2 (2024) pp. 140-149
“ Parametric study of Inset Microstrip line Fed Square Microstrip Patch Antenna For 10 GHz Application” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) ,June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2.Pg 694-697
“ Analysis of Conventional, C-slot and Double C-slot microstrip Patch Antenna for WI-Max Application” IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Communication System(ICECS-2016). Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India.
“ Review on Types of Reconfigurable Antennas” International journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development e ISSN(o) 2348-4470 P-ISSN 2348-6406 Vol. 2 issue -2 Feb. 2016, pg. 51-53
“Review on fractal Antennas for Wireless communication” International journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, ISSN 2278-621X, Vol. 2 , Issue 3 , Jan. 2016, Pg 451-454.
“Review paper on Techniques and Design of Compact Slot antenna for Multiband Application” International journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development , e-ISSN(O) 2348-4470, P-ISSN(P) 2348-6406, Vol. 3 Issue -1 , Jan. 2016. Pg 151-155.
“ Design of Minkowski Fractal Antenna for Multiband Application” National conference on Computer,Electrical and Electronics Engineering ( NCCEEE2016) IETE CYNOSURE 23-24th April 2016.
“Koch Fractal Microstrip Patch Antenna for Tri Band Wireless Application” International journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, ISSN (print): 2348-6406. Vol.02.issue: 03, April-2015( Impact factor-3.14)
“A survey on slotted Microstrip patch Antennas for WI-MAX Applications” Research Dimensions a multi Disciplinary peer Reviewed International Research journal, ISSN No. 2249-3867, Jan. 2015
“Comparative Review on Different Fractal Antennas in Communication” Review of research International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal, ISSN 2249-894X, Vol.04, Issue 4, Jan. 2015( Impact Factor-3.14)
“ Design of Double C-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna for WI-MAX Middle Band Application with Improved Return Loss and Bandwidth” International journal of Computer Application, ISSN: 2250-1797, Special Issue-Issue 5 , vol. 02, January-2015.(Impact Factor-2.52)
“Design of Double C-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna for WI-MAX Application Operating at ( 3.2-3.8 GHz) Band” National conference on Recent Trends in Computer Engineering and Technology.(NCRTCET-2015) VPCOE, Baramati.
“Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WI- MAX Application” Progress in Science and Engineering Research Journal, ISSN 2347-6680(E) ,Vol. 02, Issue- 06/06 November-December-2014 , Pages 62-65( SJIF-2012 Impact factor- 3.56)
“Design of Compact Printed Slot Antenna for Ultra Wide Band Application” International Journal of Engineering Science &Research Technology, ISSN No. 2277-9655, March-2013, pages-608-611.
“Comparison of Microstrip Antenna and Fractal Antenna” International journal of Engineering and ScienceResearch journal(IJESR) ,ISSN2277-26852 volume-03,June-2013 Page No.4109-4113.
“Computer controlled Dynamic wedge Collimator for cancer Treatment Machine”, IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI-2012), Hongkong shenzhen,China 2012
Assistant Professor |
Ph.D.( Electronics & Communication Engg) |
Mr. Rohit Piske
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Mr. Rohit Piske
Assistant Professor
M.Tech. (Electronics Engineering)
Antenna & microwaves , Signal and System
Brief Profile :
Rohit S Piske received his BE degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering in 2012 and
M.Tech. In Electronics Engineering from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI) Mumbai in 2015.
He has 1 year teaching experience and presently he is an Assistant Professor in Electronics and Telecommunication Department.
He taught the UG subjects MC, SS, WN. He Qualified GATE Examination in 2012.
He attended workshops on Application of Electromagnetic, Introduction to Robotics, Basic Electronics.
He completed Training on Advance Instrumentation conducted by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
Vidwan Profile:
Publications :
Presented research paper on "Determination of Moisture characteristic of different papers at Microwave Frequency using Horn Antenna" at International Symposium held at Pune during 8 to 10 March 2015.
Presented a paper "Remote monitoring and amp; wireless communication using GPS and amp; GSM Technology" in NCSEEE- 2012.
Assistant Professor |
B.E (E & TC),M.Tech. (Electronics Engineering) |
Mr. Mayur Gawade
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Mr. Mayur Gawade
Assistant Professor
M. Tech. (Wired & Wireless Communication)
Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio
Brief Profile :
Mr. Mayur Shivaji Gawade received his B.E. degree in 2017 from PVG’s COET, Pune. In 2021, he completed M.Tech. in Electronics & Telecommunication with specialization in Wired and Wireless Communication. Since 2021, he has worked at the various organizations and currently, he is Assistant Professor at E&TC department. He has taught Control systems, VLSI & design technology, Fundamentals of Java programming & Cellular Networks.
He qualified GATE examination in 2019. He also qualified UGC NET (Electronic Science) examination in June 2022 and December 2022.
Publications :
Mayur Shivaji Gawade, Radhika D Joshi, " GNU Radio and USRP B210 based Software Defined Radio for OFDM Data Transmission ", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC) 1 Dec. 2021.
Assistant Professor |
B.E (E & TC),M.Tech. (Electronics Engineering) |
Mrs. Manali Kate
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Mrs. Manali Kate
Assistant Professor
M. E. (Electronics Digital System)
Brief Profile :
Mrs. Manali Ranjeet Kate received her B.E. degree in 2010 from SVPM COE Malegaon. In 2018, she completed her M.E. in Electronics with specialization in Digital System. Since 2011 she has worked at different organization & currently she is working as an Assistant Professor at E&TC Department. She has taught subjects like control system & PLC, VLSI, Linear integrated circuits. She has total 12 years of teaching experience.
Publications :
Manali Kate "Child Safety & Health Monitoring System" International journal of advance Research in science & Engineering Volum No 7 March 2018.
Assistant Professor |
M. E. (Electronics Digital System) |
Ms. Snehal Sabale
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Ms. Snehal Sabale
Assistant Professor
M. E. (Electronics Digital System), Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Hydroponics Farming Using IOT.
Brief Profile :
Prof. Sabale Snehal Rajendra received her B.E. degree in 2017 from S.V.P.M’s College of Engineering, Malegaon . In 2019, she completed her M.E. in Digital System . She has served at the various academic levels and currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in E&TC department. She has taught Digital Electronics & Logic Design, Microprocessor, Data Structure & Database Management.
Publications :
Published paper in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) on A MULTIFUNCTIONAL ROBOT FOR REMOTE SURVEILLANCE IN MILITARY APPLICATIONS , Volume: 06 Issue: 11 | November - 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930.
Published paper in International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT) on Smart and Non-Contact Monitoring of Human Body Parameters, ISSN (Online) 2581-9429, Volume 2, Issue 7, May 2022.
Published paper in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) on Hydroponics Farming Using IoT , ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 , Volume 10 Issue IV Apr 2022.
Published paper in International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) on Different techniques of gray level transformation for image enhancement , ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-08, Issue-01, APR 2022.
Published paper in International Journal of Basic & Applied Research (IJBAR) on Hydroponics Farming Using IoT ,UGC Approved (SL.No.- 64041), P- ISSN:22493352,E-ISSN:22780505,COSMOS IMPACT FACTOR : 5.960.
Published paper in International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS) on ARM & PIC Controller Based Oil-Water Separation in Ship For Pollution Control With Security , ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -5, Issue-2, 2017.
Assistant Professor |
M. E. (Electronics Digital System), Ph.D. (Pursuing) |
Mrs. Nirvikalpata Biradar
Mrs. Nirvikalpata Biradar
Research Interests:
Email Id:
Mrs. Nirvikalpata Biradar
Assistant Professor
B.E.(E&TC),M.E.(Digital communication) & Ph.D (Pursuing)
Biomedical Signal Processing
Brief Profile :
Mrs. Nirvikalpata Shashank Biradar has received her B.E. in 2012 in E&TC Engineering from
SRTMUN university and M.E. in 2015 in Digital Communication from Dr. BAM University.
Currently research work is going on biomedical signal processing,BCI, Neurotherapy at research
center SVPM, Malegaon from SPPU. She has 4 years of teaching experience. She is working as
an Assistant Professor at VPKBIET, Baramati. She taught subjects like Digital Electronics, Electronics
Measuring Instrumentsand Tools, Basic Electronics and VLSI.
Publications :
Ms. Nirvikalpata U. Bhosle ”Representation and classification methods for identifying anxiety
states using EEG signal processing:A review”, Indian Journal of Technical Education
(IJTE) July-September 2023 Vol.46.
Ms. Nirvikalpata U. Bhosle ”A Planar Ultra-Wideband Antenna with Multiple Band Notch
Characteristics”, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), e-ISSN:
2278-1676, p-ISSN: 2320-3331,Volume 10, Issue 4 Ver. III (July-Aug. 2015), PP 09-15. DOI:
Assistant Professor |
- |
Staff |
Mr. Umesh Nimbalkar
Email Id:
Mr. Umesh Nimbalkar
Lab. Technician
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg.
Lab. Technician |
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg. |
Mr. Sunil Dhumal
Email Id:
Mr. Sunil Dhumal
Lab. Technician
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg.
Lab. Technician |
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg. |
Mr. Nitin Jadhav
Email Id:
Mr. Nitin Jadhav
Lab. Technician
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg.
Lab. Technician |
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg. |
Mr. Dattatray Waykule
Mr. Dattatray Waykule
Email Id:
Mr. Dattatray Waykule
Lab. Technician
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg.
Lab. Technician |
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg. |
Mr. Santosh Gade
Email Id:
Mr. Santosh Gade
Lab. Technician
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg.
Lab. Technician |
Diploma in Industrial Electronics Engg. |